News from the Parishes October-November 2024
JAM - Jesus and Me – our revamped Sunday School (Annahilt)

JAM kicked off the year with thirteen children and young people in the parish hall on Sunday 6th October. It was lovely to see everyone with ages ranging from Primary One up to Year 14 in post-primary.

We had games, activities and crafts. Our theme was Autumn, thanking God for nature, and there was an abundance of creativity on display with everyone working in teams to create Autumn collages using materials from the church grounds.

We also reflected on the Parable of the Sower. The young people made delicious hot chocolate and marshmallows for everyone to finish our morning on a sweet note! If you would like to come along, we meet in the Parish Hall on the first Sunday of every month at 10 am (next JAM is Sunday 3rd November). All school-aged children and young people are very welcome.

(NB JAM – Jesus and Me – is our revamped Sunday School)

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Autumn 3 Autumn 4