News from the Parishes July & August 2024
Sunday School (Annahilt)

Sunday school VE day

VE Day

The Sunday school children, young people and teachers made bunting, posters and air raid shelters as part of their remembrance of VE Day. They enjoyed showing each other their creations and playing VE Day Bingo.



The Sunday School have been showing off their creative skills in using things from the garden to make animals for Noah’s Ark. We are having lots of fun with Bingo and Scavenger Hunt too.



Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday and the children decorated crosses with garden materials. We enjoyed the Easter story and some games. Next week’s challenge is to make a Bible name (story, place, book of the Bible) with initial letters of objects. See you next Sunday!


Palm Sunday

Sunday School on Palm Sunday was done by video. The children (and teachers) had lots of fun with games, a Bible story and doing an Easter Scavenger Hunt. The children have a challenge to make a collage cross for next Sunday with things from the garden.

Sunday School same time next week, on Easter Sunday, at 2pm. See you all then!


For Whom?
For all children from ages 4 to 16

Sunday mornings from September until June. The children leave part way through the
church service (except for the second Sunday in each month which is Family Service)

In the church hall

Age appropriate programme, aimed at teaching and sharing the Christian faith;

Bible stories, craft, games, quizzes, puzzles

What else?
Having fun and developing friendships.